Vanessa Brazeau

An action by by the students of the MFA program “Public Art and New Artistic Strategies” of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, under the direction of Prof. Danica Dakić, Ina Weise, Anke Hannemann, Vanessa Brazeau and Jirka Reichmann (coordinator).

Games explore boundaries in their own way, constitute identities and relationships of power and in this way give us information about the understanding of scope of action of the individual. In slavic languages GORKO refers to bitter; here, the “bitter games” are childhood games from the home countries of the international students. 

Led by Canadian-born artist and activist Vanessa Brazeau, the students develop a performative and participatory artistic action in order to find new approaches to political and social debates on contemporary issues together with the audience. The physical and participative character of this action, that enhances a feeling of connection between the players, opens up a new dimension of thinking about the notion of democracy in different cultural contexts and about its changes in times where such spaces increasingly overlap and mix. Discourses, synergies and dialogues are generated in a playful way and further developed together with the public in the public sphere.